In biological term, a community is
a group of interacting organisms sharing an environment. In human communities,
intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks, and a number of other
conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants
and their degree of cohesiveness. In sociology, the concept of community has
caused infinite debate, and sociologists are yet to reach agreement on a
definition of term. Indeed, one can find 94 discrete definitions of the term
even as early as mid-1950s.

In the physical world, communities
are typically groups of people (a town, for instance) held together by common
identity or interest. The same holds true for virtual and online communities in
that they, too, are comprised of people with shared identity or interests
coming together for a shared purpose.
Definitions of community by different scholars:
Bogardus: Community is the social group with
some degree of “we felling” and
living in a given area.
Kingsely Davis: Community is the smallest
territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life.
Ogburn & Nimkoff: A community is a group or
collection of group that inhabits a locality.
Basically community categorized in following ways:
Geographic communities: range from the local neighborhood, suburb, village, town
or city, region or even the planet as a whole. These refer to communities of
Communities of culture: range from the local clique, sub-culture, ethnic group,
religious, multicultural or pluralistic civilization, or the global community
cultures of today. They may be included as communities of need or identity,
such as disabled persons, or final aged people.
Community organization: range from informal family or kinship networks, to more
formal incorporated associations, political decision making structures,
economic enterprises, or professional associations at a small, national and
international scale.
Elements of community:
Sentiment felling
Large or small scale
Not artificial
Regulated by traditional norms, values and customs
More stable
Marked by locality
Small cultural system
Functions of
Formations of the local groups at the local level
Co-ordination of team at local level
Regular contract between various communities
Mobilization of natural resources
Importance of
To protect norms and values
For peoples’ participation
For relationship
For self dependency
For social network
For utilization of local resources
For sense of identity
For sustainable development
Peoples’ Participation
Peoples’ participation is a way,
means the acceptance of local people to share their resources equally. It is a
process of creative individual/ social involvement by different strata of
people (based on cast, ethnicity, gender, region, class etc.) in defining and
fulfilling their needs. It is taking of initiative to decide what is to be
done. Rural development is the participation of society in a mutual learning
experience involving people themselves, their local resources, and external
change agents and outside resources. People can only develop themselves by
participation in decision and co-operate activities which affect their well
being. People are not being developed when they are herded like animal into new
Arguments of Social
1) Participation is empowering local
communities which take long time because it is very hard to convince the local
people. Even difficult to make all happy, thus delays the development process.
2) Government and donor agencies do
not like to relinquish their power and control over development activities.
Thus participation means in a way being exempted from different sorts of
development activities.
3) Participation increases the felling
of high powerfulness thus it generate lots of expectations.
4) Participation improving the
physical environment of the rural poor.
5) Poverty in the rural area is structural and
has its roots in the economic and political condition which influences rural peoples'
6) Development programs and projects have largely
by-passed the vast majority of rural society.
Types of Social
Passive Participation
Society participation by being
told what is going to happen or has already happened. It is simply a unilateral
announcement by the plan program implemented without giving any considerations
to people's response.
Participation in information
It is participation in which
people provide information regarding their resources, problems, solutions etc.
They have to influence on the findings conclusion and recommendations. Those
findings are never checked or solved for accuracy.
Participation by consultation
Society involves by being
consulted in this model. Externals define both problems and solutions and many
modify on the basis of the responses. However, externals are under no
obligation to give them space in decision making.
Participation for material
Participation occurs by providing
resources e.g. labor in return of food, cash or other material, incentives.
Fundamental Participation
Participation that occurs to meet
the pre-determined objectives of the development activities. Mostly through
induced organizations.
Interactive Participation
Society involves in joint analysis
development of action plans and formation of local organizations. Participation
seen as a right rather than means to achieve goals.
Participation as self-mobilization
Society participates by taking
initiatives independently. Contact with externals in developed for resources
and technical advice they need but retain control over how resources are to be
Importance of Peoples’
Ø Ensuring sustainability of
development programs.
Ø Making the people self-reliance by
discouraging the mentality of dependence and paternalism.
Ø Making development more effective
and efficient.
Ø Equitable for different section of
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